Target: Duijvestijn Tomaten
Seller: Duijvestijn Tomaten
Advisory sell side: YEALD | M&A Advisory
JB Law | Legal Advisory
Buyer: The Flavour Farm
Advisory buy side: NautaDutilh | Legal Advisory Corporate M&A
BDO | Financial Advisory
Date announced: 2023-07-04

The Flavour Farm announced that it has acquired Duijvestijn Tomaten BV (“Duijvestijn”), a leading European producer and marketer of tomatoes grown in high-tech Dutch glasshouses powered by green energy infrastructure. The acquisition of Duijvestijn marks the first step in Cibus’ launch of The Flavour Farm, a European platform focused on the production of sustainable, local and year-round fresh produce in controlled environment facilities powered by renewable energy. The strategy expedites the decarbonisation of high-value vegetable production within the region.