October 24, 2023 Klépierre Secures €260 Million Green Loan for Hoog Catharijne Shopping Centre Target: Klépierre Seller: Klépierre Advisory sell side: Van Lanschot Kempen | Sole Financial Adviser Date announced: 2023-10-20 In...
Services (other) October 17, 2023 Phoenix Tower International Acquires NOVEC GmbH Target: NOVEC GmbH Seller: NOVEC GmbH Shareholders Advisory sell side: ABN AMRO Bank N.V.| Financial Advisory...
Consumer: Foods October 11, 2023 Van der Valk International Acquires Majority Stake in Dunkin' Netherlands and Belgium Seller: Dunkin' Netherlands & Belgium Buyer: Van der Valk International Date announced: 2023-10-11 Van der Valk...
Consumer: Retail October 10, 2023 Lucas Bols is set to be acquired by Nolet Distillery Target: Lucas Bols Seller: Lucas Bols Shareholders Advisory sell side: ABN AMRO Bank N.V. | Financial Advisory...
Medical September 27, 2023 Holland Capital acquires Lopital Target: Lopital Seller: Lopital Shareholders Advisory sell side: BDO | M&A Advisory and Legal Advisory Corporate...
Software September 20, 2023 Bizzdesign acquires majority stake in Edifit Target: Edifit Seller: Edifit Shareholders Advisory sell side: TLT LLP. | Legal Advisory Carrington Accountancy | Financial and Tax...
Services (other) September 19, 2023 Tyto acquires It's a Rep Target: It's a Rep Seller: It's a Rep Shareholders Buyer: Tyto Advisory sell...
Services (other) September 19, 2023 Steboma acquires Vink Group Target: Vink groep Seller: Fields Group Buyer: Steboma Advisory sell side: KPMG | M&A Advisory KPMG...
Software September 19, 2023 Yellowtail Conclusion acquires ADPI from Maarten Tellegen and Beekers Capital Target: ADPI Seller: Maarten Tellegen and Beekers Capital Buyer: Yellowtail Conclusion Advisory buy side: Vriman M&...
Consumer: Retail September 13, 2023 WHP Global acquires G-Star Raw Target: G-Star Raw Seller: G-Star Raw Advisory sell side: Rotschild & Co | M&A Advisory Loyens...
Leisure September 12, 2023 All Things Live joins forces with Loveland Target: Loveland Events B.V. Seller: Loveland Events shareholders Advisory sell side: Rutger & Posch | M&...
Services (other) September 05, 2023 QTerminals acquires Kramer Group Target: Kramer Group Seller: Kramer Group Advisory sell side: JBR | Financial Advisory Buyer: QTerminals Advisory buy side:...
Leisure August 30, 2023 Rockstar Games acquires Cfx.re Target: Cfx.re Seller: Cfx.re Advisory sell side: Factor & Ros | M&A Advisory Buyer:...
Internet / Ecommerce August 11, 2023 The Digital Neighborhood acquires Fullstaq and Beyond Blue Target: Fullstaq and Beyond Blue Seller: Fullstaq and Beyond Blue Shareholders Advisory sell side: De Breek F&...
Financial services August 01, 2023 Yellow Hive acquires Maesstad and Maeshave Assuradeuren Target: Maesstad and Maeshave Assuradeuren Seller: Maesstad and Maeshave Shareholders Advisory sell side: IRIS Corporate Finance | M&...
Industrial: Electronics and Automation July 25, 2023 Parcom takes majority interest in Elektramat Target: Elektramat Seller: Elektramat Advisory sell side: Taurus Corporate Finance | M&A Advisory JPR Advocaten | Legal...
Medical July 18, 2023 Visma acquires ZorgDomein Target: ZorgDomein Seller: ZorgDomein shareholders Advisory sell side: CORP. | Legal Advisory Corporate M&A Profinity Partners...
Media July 06, 2023 Keesing Media Group acquires CoolGames Target: CoolGames Seller: CoolGames shareholders Buyer: Keesing Media Group Advisory buy side: Baker McKenzie | Legal Advisory PWC...
Industrial: Products and Services June 09, 2023 Value Enhancement Partners acquires Indu-Tools Group Target: Indu-Tools Group Seller: Indu-Tools Group Shareholders Advisory sell side: Hogenhouck m&a | M&A...
Transportation June 02, 2023 Globitas acquires Van Dingenen Transport Target: Van Dingenen Transport Seller: Van Dingenen Transport Advisory sell side: Crowe Foederer | M&A Advisory...
Media May 24, 2023 Mediahuis acquires Euractiv Target: Euractiv Seller: Euractiv Shareholders Advisory sell side: Kennedy Van der Laan | M&A Advisory Crowell...
Software May 23, 2023 Lepaya acquires Krauthammer Target: Krauthammer Seller: Krauthammer Shareholders Advisory sell side: Clairfield Netherlands | M&A Advisory Amstone Tax Lawyers...
Software May 16, 2023 VideoVisit acquires Applikator Target: Applikator Seller: Applikator Shareholders Advisory sell side: SKOV Advokater | Legal Advisory Buyer: VideoVisit Advisory buy side:...
Software May 02, 2023 ESC acquires Qexpertise Target: Qexpertise Seller: Qexpertise shareholders Advisory sell side: JB Law | Legal Advisory Corporate M&A Buyer:...
Internet / Ecommerce May 02, 2023 Lexar Partners acquires One of a Kind Travel Target: One of a Kind Travel Seller: One of a Kind Travel shareholders Buyer: Lexar Partners Advisory...
Software April 26, 2023 GSG GENII Software Group acquires majority stake in Valk Solutions Target: Valk Solutions Seller: Valk Solutions shareholders Advisory sell side: Hogenhouck m&a | M&A...
Financial services April 18, 2023 The Ardonagh Group acquires Klap Verzekeringsmakelaar from Nedvest Target: Klap verzekeringsmakelaar Seller: Nedvest Advisory sell side: Deloitte| Tax Advisory Deloitte | Financial Due Diligence Deloitte | Consultancy...
Buy & Build April 13, 2023 KidsKonnect acquires CPMLive Target: CPMLive Seller: CPMLive shareholders Advisory sell side: Stepstone Corporate Finance+ | M&A Advisory 9Corporate M&...
Manufacturing April 05, 2023 Nissha Co., Ltd. signs business alliance with PaperFoam Holding B.V. Target: PaperFoam Holding B.V. Seller: PaperFoam Holding B.V. shareholders Advisory sell side: Clairfield Int. Netherlands...
Construction March 28, 2023 Biltz acquires Meerbouw Rotterdam Target: Meerbouw Rotterdam Seller: Meerbouw Rotterdam shareholders Advisory sell side: Arpentus | M&A Advisory Buyer: Biltz...